7 Major Factors that Affect Your Credit Score

Over the past few years, the demand for credit cards and personal loans has increased in India because people find them a convenient option to fulfill their needs. Your credit score plays a significant role in the approval of your loan application or credit that you are requesting from the bank or any other financial …

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How to write a cheque in 5 easy steps

People who issue checks regularly will find the process practically automatic. However, if you haven’t written many statements before, this can be perplexing. Electronic transfers are being replaced by comments, although they are not yet obsolete. Here are the procedures for filling out a cheque to self and explaining the numbers preprinted on each one. …

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Choosing the Best Hair Oil according to your hair type

Regular oiling of hair and scalp helps retain the natural moisture, luster, and shine of hair. Oiling softens hair and replenishes vitamins and minerals that are lost due to frequent washing. Using hair oil for hair growth is a common approach, used in India for generations, is recommended by Ayurvedic treatment. Outside of Ayurvedic methods, …

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How Brokerage Charges Are Calculated?

When buying or selling in the share market, it is critical to understand the different prices, including transaction fees, and how these costs are computed. You are prepared to operate in capital markets after opening a Demat Account and a Trading Platform. However, keep in mind that you could not simply trade-in equity markets and …

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Ways to Earn Extra Cash on the Internet on iPhone 

The Internet has revolutionized the ways we have been turning the wheels of life and the daily chores and tasks. It has become one of the most reliable platforms where people can buy and sell their spare stuff at reasonable rates without the extra hassle of traveling. Currently, there are many sites on the internet …

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The Pros and Cons of a Career in the Transportation Industry

The Pros and Cons of a Career in the Transportation Industry

A career in the transportation industry is a great way to experience firsthand the exciting and ever-evolving world of freight, logistics, and mobility. From truck drivers to dispatchers, there are plenty of opportunities for those looking to make a career in this field. However, before taking the plunge into a career in transportation, it’s important …

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Necessity of Gratitude in Student Life

Student life teaches a lot of things in life. It is so because in student life we learn a lot of lessons, apart from academic lessons we learn many practical lessons also from life. Though parents try to teach their kids a lot of good lessons at home and also get them taught such lessons …

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The Digital Revolution That Is Disrupting Linear TV

Linear TV is dying. Slowly but surely, people are moving away from traditional television and turning to digital alternatives. This shift is being driven by a number of factors, including changing demographics, the rise of streaming services, and cord-cutting. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the digital revolution that is …

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Disposing Of A Mattress Properly

Mattresses are never meant to last forever as there is always a time when you will find the need for a new mattress. The need could be for various reasons because either your mattress is worn out or you have decided to switch to a new mattress with better technique and comfort. Either way, switching …

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