What Is The Valency Of Manganese?

Are you curious to know what is the valency of manganese? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about the valency of manganese in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is the valency of manganese?

What Is The Valency Of Manganese?

Manganese, abbreviated as Mn on the periodic table, is a remarkable chemical element that plays a crucial role in various industrial, biological, and environmental processes. One of the fundamental properties of chemical elements is their valency, which helps us understand how they combine with other elements to form compounds. In this blog post, we will explore the valency of manganese and its significance in the world of chemistry.

Understanding Valency

Valency, in chemistry, refers to the combining capacity of an element. It tells us how many electrons an atom of a particular element can gain, lose, or share in chemical reactions to achieve a stable, full outer electron shell. This stability is typically attained by following the octet rule, where atoms strive to have eight electrons in their outermost electron shell (except for hydrogen and helium, which aim for two).

The Valency Of Manganese

Manganese, with an atomic number of 25, has a relatively complex electron configuration: 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d⁵. This electron configuration gives manganese multiple possible oxidation states or valencies, which include +2, +3, +4, +6, and +7. Let’s break down the valency of manganese in its common oxidation states:

  • Manganese(II) – Mn²⁺: In this state, manganese loses two electrons from its 4s² and 3d⁵ orbitals, leaving it with a full outer electron shell (similar to argon’s electron configuration). This is the most common oxidation state of manganese in compounds.
  • Manganese(III) – Mn³⁺: Manganese can also lose three electrons from its 4s² and 3d⁵ orbitals to achieve stability. Compounds with manganese in the +3 oxidation state are less common but do exist.
  • Manganese(IV) – Mn⁴⁺: In this oxidation state, manganese loses four electrons, which is less common but can occur in certain compounds and reactions.
  • Manganese(VI) – Mn⁶⁺: Manganese can gain six electrons to reach a stable state, resulting in the +6 oxidation state. This is found in various compounds, such as potassium permanganate (KMnO₄).
  • Manganese(VII) – Mn⁷⁺: In rare cases, manganese can lose seven electrons to achieve stability. Compounds in the +7 oxidation state are highly reactive and not as common.

Significance Of Manganese’s Valency

Manganese’s ability to exhibit multiple oxidation states is a testament to its versatility in chemical reactions and its role in various biological processes. Its compounds are used in diverse applications, including:

  • Metallurgy: Manganese is a crucial element in the production of steel and other alloys. Its presence can enhance the strength and durability of these materials.
  • Environmental Remediation: Potassium permanganate (KMnO₄), a manganese compound, is widely used for water treatment and environmental cleanup due to its strong oxidizing properties.
  • Biological Functions: Manganese is an essential trace element in the human diet, where it plays a role in enzyme activation and various metabolic processes.
  • Batteries: Manganese dioxide (MnO₂) is utilized in the cathodes of alkaline batteries, contributing to their performance and longevity.


The valency of manganese is a fascinating aspect of its chemical behavior, showcasing its adaptability in a variety of chemical reactions and applications. Its ability to switch between different oxidation states is vital in industries ranging from metallurgy to environmental science, making manganese an indispensable element in our modern world. Understanding its valency helps chemists harness its potential for practical use and scientific exploration.


Why Is Valency Of Manganese 4?

This means that manganese (Mn group-7) has the electron configuration [Ar]4s²3d⁵ and 7 valence electrons, this can hv valence from +1–7 ,but generally manganese in its compounds has valency of +2,+4,+7 due to corresponding stable electronic configuration.

Is The Valency Of Manganese Is 7?

Manganese has valencies of +4 and +7 in its most common compounds. Manganese can have a variable valency in other compounds and reactions, with valencies of +2, +3, +5, or +6.

How Is Valency Of Manganese 2?

The oxidation state of manganese +2 has been used in the manganese(II) oxide(MnO) bond. The valency of manganese in this compound is 2. On the other hand, the oxidation state of manganese +7 has been used in permanganate ion(MnO4)1-. The valency of manganese in this compound is 7.

How Do You Find The Valency Of Manganese?

If we observe the electron configuration of Manganese, it is [Ar] 4s2 3d5 and therefore ‘Mn’ shows even ‘+7’ oxidation state. So, to determine the four quantum numbers of even valence electrons, we need to split the 5 electrons of 3d orbital and 2 electrons in 4s orbital.

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What is the valency of manganese?