What Is Intercalary Meristem?

Are you curious to know what is intercalary meristem? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about intercalary meristem in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is intercalary meristem?

What Is Intercalary Meristem?

Intercalary meristem, a fascinating aspect of plant anatomy, plays a crucial role in the growth and development of plants. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of intercalary meristem, unraveling its characteristics, functions, and significance in the plant kingdom.

What Is Intercalary Meristem Class 9:

For students at the Class 9 level, understanding intercalary meristem is essential for a comprehensive grasp of plant biology. Intercalary meristem is a specialized tissue that contributes to the elongation of plant organs, such as stems and roots, a concept covered in Class 9 biology curriculum.

What Is Intercalary Meristem Anatomy:

To comprehend the functioning of intercalary meristem, it is crucial to delve into its anatomy. This meristem is typically located between mature tissues, aiding in the elongation of plant organs. The anatomy of intercalary meristem reveals its pivotal role in plant growth.

Lateral Meristem:

While intercalary meristem is vital for longitudinal growth, lateral meristem contributes to the growth in girth. Understanding the distinction between these meristems sheds light on the comprehensive growth strategy employed by plants.

What Is The Function Of Intercalary Meristem:

The primary function of intercalary meristem is to promote growth and elongation of plant organs. This specialized tissue facilitates the rapid expansion of stems and roots, contributing to the overall development of the plant.

Characteristics Of Intercalary Meristem:

Several distinctive characteristics define intercalary meristem. These include its location between mature tissues, high growth potential, and the ability to initiate rapid cell division. Exploring these characteristics enhances our understanding of the meristem’s unique role in plant physiology.

What Is The Function Of Intercalary Meristem Class 9:

In the context of Class 9 biology, students delve deeper into the functions of intercalary meristem. The meristem’s role in plant growth and organ elongation becomes a fundamental aspect of the curriculum, laying the groundwork for advanced botanical studies.

What Is Intercalary Meristem Class 11:

As students progress to Class 11, the study of intercalary meristem becomes more nuanced. Advanced botanical concepts, including the interplay between different meristems, deepen the understanding of plant development and adaptation.

Apical Meristem:

Apical meristem, located at the tips of roots and stems, contrasts with intercalary meristem. While apical meristem drives primary growth, intercalary meristem focuses on the elongation of specific plant organs. Recognizing the role of apical meristem enhances our understanding of the overall growth dynamics in plants.


In conclusion, intercalary meristem stands as a pivotal player in the intricate world of plant anatomy and growth. From its anatomy to functions, understanding the nuances of intercalary meristem is essential for students and enthusiasts alike. As we explore the distinct characteristics and functions, we unravel the secrets of how plants strategically employ meristems for their continuous and dynamic development.


What Is Intercalary Meristem Class 9th?

n., plural: intercalary meristems. [in′tər·kə‚ler·ē ′mer·ə‚stem] Definition: (botany) A type of meristematic tissue at the base of nodes and leaf blades of monocots.

Why Is It Called Intercalary Meristem?

Meristematic tissue located at the base of nodes and leaf blades of monocots is known as intercalary meristem. An intercalary meristem is a form of meristematic tissue that is linked to lengthening in the middle section.

What Are Examples Of Intercalary Meristem?

The primary function of an intercalary meristem is to facilitate longitudinal growth of a plant organ, independent of activity of the apical meristem. Examples are the meristems in the leaf sheaths and internodes of grasses and horsetails.

What Is Lateral Meristem Class 9?

It is located in the stems and roots on the lateral side. It increases the thickness of the plant. Vascular cambium and cork cambium are the two lateral meristems. These divide preclinically or radially and give rise to secondary permanent tissues.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Intercalary Meristem Class 9

What Is Intercalary Meristem Anatomy

Lateral Meristem

What Is The Function Of Intercalary Meristem

Characteristics Of Intercalary Meristem

What Is The Function Of Intercalary Meristem Class 9

What Is Intercalary Meristem Class 11

Apical Meristem

What Is Intercalary Meristem