What Is Growth Scan?

Are you curious to know what is growth scan? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about growth scan in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is growth scan?

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with various milestones and moments of anticipation. One essential aspect of prenatal care is monitoring the growth and development of the baby. Growth scans, also known as fetal growth ultrasounds, play a crucial role in assessing the well-being of the baby and ensuring a healthy pregnancy. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of growth scans, their purpose, and what to expect during these screenings.

What Is Growth Scan?

A growth scan is a type of ultrasound examination performed during pregnancy to assess the growth and development of the baby. It involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to create images of the fetus and obtain valuable information about its size, weight, and overall well-being. Growth scans are typically conducted at specific stages throughout the pregnancy to monitor the baby’s growth trajectory.

Purpose Of Growth Scans:

The primary purpose of growth scans is to evaluate the baby’s growth and development in the womb. These scans provide essential information to healthcare professionals, allowing them to assess the baby’s size, position, organ development, and overall health. Growth scans are particularly important in identifying any potential issues or abnormalities early on, which may require additional monitoring or intervention.

When Are Growth Scans Performed?

Growth scans are usually scheduled at specific intervals during the pregnancy. The timing may vary depending on the healthcare provider’s recommendations and individual circumstances. However, growth scans are commonly performed:

  1. Mid-Pregnancy (Around 18-20 Weeks): This scan, often referred to as the anatomy scan or anomaly scan, focuses on assessing the baby’s overall development, including the organs, limbs, and vital structures.
  2. Third Trimester (Around 28-32 Weeks): This scan aims to evaluate the baby’s growth, position, and the volume of amniotic fluid. It helps determine if the baby is growing within the expected range for its gestational age.
  3. Additional Scans: In certain cases, healthcare providers may recommend additional growth scans if there are specific concerns about the baby’s growth or well-being. This could include situations such as high-risk pregnancies, maternal health conditions, or suspected fetal growth restriction.

What To Expect During A Growth Scan:

During a growth scan, you will be asked to lie down on an examination table, and a trained sonographer will apply a gel to your abdomen. The sonographer will then use a handheld device called a transducer to gently glide over your abdomen, emitting sound waves that create images of the fetus on a monitor. The process is painless and generally takes around 20-30 minutes to complete.

The sonographer will measure specific parts of the baby’s body, such as the head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length. These measurements are compared to standard growth charts to determine if the baby’s growth is within the expected range. The scan may also include assessing the placenta, amniotic fluid levels, and the baby’s position in the uterus.

It’s important to note that growth scans are not diagnostic tests, but rather a tool for monitoring the baby’s development. If any concerns or abnormalities are detected during a growth scan, further evaluation or tests may be recommended to gain a clearer understanding of the situation.


Growth scans are valuable tools in prenatal care, allowing healthcare providers to monitor the growth and development of the baby throughout pregnancy. These scans provide essential information about the baby’s size, position, and well-being, aiding in the early detection of any potential issues. By undergoing growth scans, expectant parents can gain reassurance and valuable insights into their baby’s progress, ensuring a healthy and thriving pregnancy. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider to understand the recommended schedule and guidelines for growth scans based on your individual pregnancy journey.


When Should A Pregnancy Growth Scan Be Done?

A Growth Scan is normally done, between 28 – 32 weeks of pregnancy, to assess the growth of your baby and amount of liquor. It is a standard scanning procedure used to check the development of the baby in the third trimester.

In Which Month Growth Scan Is Done?

Between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Your doctor will advise a growth and fetal wellbeing scan that shows doctor how your baby is growing. Between 36 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, another growth scan and colour Doppler studies closer to your due date. These help your doctor to: check the position of the umbilical cord.

How Many Growth Scans Are Done During Pregnancy?

We usually recommend arranging two growth scans at around 28 and 36 weeks. The 28 week scan will include a 3D preview, which can help you to decide if you want to arrange a full 4D scan before 32 weeks. The 36 week scan is intended as a pre-birth check up.

Can I Eat Before Growth Scan?

about an hour before exam time. We recommend a two-piece outfit so we can access your abdomen without you removing your clothing. You may eat normally prior to having a fetal ultrasound.

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What Is Growth Scan

What happens during a growth scan