Truck accidents in LA are different: Here’s an overview

If two passenger vehicles are involved in an accident in Los Angeles, the evaluation is simple – either one or both parties are at fault. However, things can be surprisingly different when you are injured in a truck accident. Commercial trucks and 18-wheelers are often responsible for disastrous accidents in California. Injured victims, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, have the hardest time getting compensated for their losses. The situation is more complex than you think, and you must take steps to protect your rights. After you seek medical care, you need to see a personal injury lawyer who can be your advocate to proceed further. Here is an overview for your help.

More than one party could be liable

Truck accident claims & lawsuits often involve parties other than the truck driver, including –

  1. Trucking companies
  2. Loading services
  3. Vehicle maintenance services
  4. Vehicle manufacturers

While it is common for victims to assume that the truck driver is liable for the accident, that may not be the case. You need to hire an attorney so that they can investigate the accident and gather relevant info.

When your injuries are severe

If you have suffered injuries likely to alter your life, you have more reasons to talk to an injury lawyer. Trucks are massive vehicles, and even a small on-road mishap could mean catastrophic injuries. When your condition is likely to prevent you from working for a long time or when you have sustained permanent damage, you need to be aggressive with your claim.

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There is a deadline

As per the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California, you have to file a truck accident lawsuit against the at-fault parties within two years of the accident. Because a considerable part of the evidence is with the trucking company, you have to act swiftly. The two-year deadline is not for insurance claims, which means you must have enough time to contemplate a lawsuit if the insurance offer is insufficient.

Trucking companies have vast resources

When you are up against a trucking company or big insurers, you need to be a step ahead. Ensure that you have a lawyer who can work on your case and negotiate accordingly. Insurance companies will do whatever is necessary to deny or undervalue claims. If you don’t have a legal team to advocate for your rights, you may end up with pennies for the settlement.

Check now to find top-rated truck accident lawyers in LA.

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