Rbi Assistant Notification Pdf 2023: Everything You Need To Know

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is one of the most prestigious financial institutions in the country. Every year, RBI conducts the recruitment process for the position of RBI Assistant, offering a rewarding career opportunity for aspirants in the banking sector. The RBI Assistant Notification PDF is a comprehensive document that provides all the essential information about the recruitment process. This article will cover everything you need to know about the RBI Assistant Exam Notification PDF for the year 2023.

Introduction to RBI Assistant Examination

The exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the position of Assistant in various RBI offices across the country. It is a highly competitive exam, attracting thousands of candidates each year. The selection process comprises three stages: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Language Proficiency Test (LPT). Aspirants who successfully clear all stages are offered the prestigious RBI Assistant job.

Release Date of RBI Assistant Notification PDF

The RBI Assistant Notification PDF for 2023 is expected to be released in the year’s first quarter. Prospects can keep a close eye on the official RBI website or leading employment news portals to stay updated about the release of the notification.

Essential Contents of the RBI Assistant Notification PDF

1. Exam Dates and Schedule

The notification will provide information about the important dates related to the RBI Assistant exam, including the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and LPT dates. Aspirants should note down these dates and plan their preparation accordingly.

2. Eligibility Criteria

The notification will specify the eligibility criteria for the exam, including age limit, educational qualification, and nationality requirements. Aspirants must carefully read and understand these criteria before applying for the exam.

3. Application Process

The RBI Assistant Notification PDF will contain thorough instructions on how to apply for the exam. It will include information about the online application process, fees, and essential guidelines for filling out the application form.

4. Exam Pattern and Syllabus

One of the most critical sections of the notification is the exam pattern and syllabus. It will outline the structure of the Preliminary and Main exams, including the number of questions, marks distribution, and duration of each section. Additionally, the syllabus for all sections will be provided to help aspirants plan their preparation effectively.

5. Admit Card and Call Letter Details

The notification will specify the process for downloading the Preliminary and Main exam admit cards. It will also provide information about the Language Proficiency Test (LPT) call letter.

6. Result Declaration and Selection Process

Candidates will find details about the result declaration dates and the selection process in the notification. It will also outline the criteria for shortlisting Main Exam and LPT candidates.

7. Reservation and Category-wise Cutoffs

The RBI Assistant Notification PDF will include information about reservation policies for different categories, such as SC, ST, OBC, and PwD candidates. It will also mention the category-wise cutoff marks for the exam.

How to Download the RBI Assistant Notification PDF

Step 1: Visit the official RBI website.

Step 2: Go to the “Opportunities @RBI” section.

Step 3: Look for the link titled “RBI Assistant Recruitment” or “RBI Assistant Notification 2023.”

Step 4: Click on the link to open the RBI Assistant Notification PDF.

Step 5: Read the entire notification carefully and download it for future reference.


The RBI Assistant Notification PDF is a crucial document that provides comprehensive information about the RBI Assistant recruitment process for the year 2023. It is essential to stay updated with the official RBI website and leading employment news portals to acquire timely updates about the release of the notification and other important announcements related to the exam. With thorough preparation and dedication, aspirants can strive for success in the exam and secure a rewarding career in the banking sector.